14 May Let every town in Lebanon be “Zouk Mikael”
On 4/26/2019, it was a day not like days. I felt as I was attending my colleague and my daughter, and we are the only Beirutis, in a ceremony to unveil the statue of our colleague attorney, Professor Nihad Nawfal, in the municipality of Zouk Mikael, with which I have an old friendship. The municipal amphitheater in “Zouk Mikael” is that we are in a European town and more beautiful, but rather in a civilized city with all descriptions and standards, and we wished that this would be present in this celebration of all the municipalities nationwide. In the foreground, including the Beirut Municipality Council and members.
We were very pleased with what we heard and watched. We returned to Beirut. We were blessed and pleased and determined to continue working to be “Beirut” not only the mother of the laws, but the mother of the capitals, and the statues of their mayors are scattered on its streets, so that all the cities and towns and the lost are such a wonderful and more.
Fellow lawyer Mr. Nihad Nawfal worked for fifty years and more as head of her municipality interested in its demographic, environmental, civil, social, cultural and aesthetic development. In services, which can be provided with the lowest costs and the easiest methods such as this town has seen the model. How proud and proud we were when we heard a testimony from Patrick Ollier (Ancien Ministre, Président de la Métropole du Grand Paris, Maire de Rueil Malmaison) to fellow lawyer Professor Nihad Nawfal, who confirmed that they had benefited from the experience of this role model in the municipal work on the level of “Zouk Mikael” and “Union of Municipalities of Keserwan – Al-Fotouh” – this is the true Lebanese image.
A pioneering experience built on the intellectual and technical energies of the town and with its encouragement for all the people of his town to participate in the municipal work away from retirement, disappearance and hiding, and for that, all of Lebanon needs personalities who assume municipal work such as President “Nihad Nawfal” and this requires the establishment of all associations, bodies and working organizations in civil society, to study this wonderful model theoretically and practically today before tomorrow, by meeting with this unique person and examining his experience. We also suggest that all workers in the municipal councils visit the “Zouk Mikael” municipality to see this success and the methods and methods that were followed to reach this result I don’t expect President “Nihad Nofal” and the current municipal council headed by “Elias Al-Bainou” to be welcome.
The media must communicate these accomplishments and all information about them in detail, with sound and image, to the Lebanese public opinion, in order to sharpen the concerns of the Lebanese, in order to ensure that their municipal and national electoral votes will be in the future for those who realize and bear such accomplishments.
With this, municipal change begins in Lebanon, but rather in the homeland, where through its success we succeed in eliminating misery, pollution of the environment, waste, darkness, corruption, ignorance, poverty and unemployment that we live in, to reach the proper national building and a homeland for human well-being. We are with you, my great colleague, when you say: “A happy nation in a happy people preserves it month by month and human person, and makes its cities and wastes vases of happiness and oases of beauty.” God extended the life of this distinguished man.
Lawyer Omar Zain
Former Secretary General of the Arab Lawyers Union.